Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Power of Creation

As the year and the semester draw to a close, the intro to entrepreneurship class that gave me so much material and inspiration is drawing to a close, so I want to sum it up a little bit.  If I had to pick one thing that I learned this semester from this class, it’s something best said by Shia LaBoef, “Just DO i t!”

I know that sometimes we’re not confident enough to go ahead and put our idea out there, and that’s ok!  When that happens, our action needs to be working on ourselves, our business plan, or our concept itself until it is ready.  If we want anyt­hing to happen, then we need to do something, and that’s the trick.
               We’ve learned this semester about finding the right partners, starting the finance, being ethical in your business practices, and so many other things, and in all of those there is always room to improve.  We can work on ourselves as people and as entrepreneurs or we can work on our business to improve profit margins, smooth out processes within the business, improve customer relations or any number of things, but we have to be always moving.
               Reading from the Doctrine and Covenants in section 58, verse 27, the Lord counsel’s that, “men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will,” and that’s beautiful to me.  It doesn’t say “always preach to your neighbors” or, “always go serve food at a soup kitchen” but simply be “anxiously engaged in a good cause”. Don’t get me wrong, that good cause could easily be a soup kitchen, but it could also be the act of creating a business that follows your values and ideals. 
               Last week we talked about creativity, and several times we’ve seen that the root of entrepreneurship is creation.  Make something out of nothing.  Build something from the ground up.  Find new ways to do old things. Many religions consider the power of creation to be the epitome of the Lord’s strength, and this is the crux and that is what it means to me to be an entrepreneur. I want to leave my mark on the world, and I want to build something that reflects who I am.  I want to build a business that puts people first and provides a great product for the price and that will make peoples’ lives better. My business will bring people into its culture and mold the world into a better place. That’s what entrepreneurship is to me.

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